GOD's my island hideaway, keeps danger far from the shore,
throws garlands of hosannas around my neck.
(Psa 32:7 MSG)


of cats and kids

"meeeow! meeeooow! meow, meow, meow!"

that's the lovely sound i woke up to this morning. actually, it wasn't very lovely. it sounded like a cat was dying in my sons' bedroom. it definitely did not have the sound of a contented kitty. no, we don't have any pets except our alaskan husky who lives outside and loves the winters up here. T has allergies, so we aren't able to have any animals in our house. except for the children. we have to let them stay inside--at least until the weather warms up a bit and we can put them out during the daytime. *wink* of course, if i could have an indoor pet, it would definitely be a kitty. either that or a rat. but i digress. these awful cat-like noises were coming from my youngest son. cj had found a little plastic cat toy in one of the toy boxes and was playing with it. and of course, the kitty had to talk in kitty language. so, cj meowed for about 20 minutes. yikes! (or yike! as cj says.)


= the kitty noise culprits

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