GOD's my island hideaway, keeps danger far from the shore,
throws garlands of hosannas around my neck.
(Psa 32:7 MSG)


one thousand gifts #179-197

here's installment #14 of my multitudes on mondays

179. first week of {home}school
my boys--1st day of {home}school
"show me your silly!"
180. great curriculum for bubba--Sonlight's Core F & Science F too!
181. time each day to teach cj too
182. finally having a school schedule and finding that it really helps!
183. one hour of quiet time &/or nap time for both the kids and myself each school day after lunch
184. bubba’s first soccer game of the season—it was a tie! 
185. the Pack winning their first game of the season!  Go Packers!
186. getting to watch the game at my parent’s house (even tho they’re on vacation!)
187. a really good Beth Moore simulcast on Saturday.
188. friends
189. "scientific" fasting
190. natural weight loss
191. water
192. also smart water :)
193. reading books that help us want to eat healthier and make healthier choices
194. remembrance of 9/11
195. the blessing the new memorial in nyc is--and will be--to the families who lost loved ones there
196. resting all day Sunday
197. naps

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