GOD's my island hideaway, keeps danger far from the shore,
throws garlands of hosannas around my neck.
(Psa 32:7 MSG)


let the games begin!

we sat up late last night watching the opening ceremony for the 2010 Winter Olympics. it was a pretty amazing program...too bad for the technical difficulty at the end, but it turned out okay in the end!

more importantly for me, the lighting of the Olympic flame marks the start of the Ravelympics! that is, ravelry's olympic games!!

this is my first time participating in one. basically, it's setting goals for your knitting/crochet projects to complete one or more projects during the Olympics. must be finished by the time the flame is extinguished. i've got 4 projects i'm planning on doing. i'm pretty sure i'll have no problem with 3 of them, but not certain about that fourth project...i might not have enough time since it uses lace weight yarn. i'm excited to begin though. i didn't actually start any of my projects last night, although i could have at 11pm. i was getting tired, though and didn't want to start off with mistakes. so i'm going to get started right away this morning.

let the knitting begin!

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